Responsible Gambling


This document was created to inform customers of the perils associated with compulsive gambling and serve as a means of prevention to those who have problem gambling tendencies.

Please take a moment to read through this information, as it will not only help you avoid excesses, but provide you with the means to maximize your enjoyment while gaming responsibly.

What is problem gambling?

Like many other addictions, compulsive betting is rooted in an uncontrollable urge and obsession, which if left unchecked, can lead to (among other things) financial hardship.

Unfortunately, one of the most common symptoms of this disease is deception; problem gamblers will go to great lengths to hide the problem, not just from others, but also from themselves. As a result, detection can come late after adverse consequences are revealed and with dire consequences.

A negative vicious cycle often develops, wherein the gambler seeks relief or even a solution through increased gambling. The ensuing financial and emotional deterioration affects every aspect of a bettor’s life from family and friends to business colleagues and associates.

Compulsive gambling is a disease that does not discriminate. Anyone is susceptible regardless of gender, age, race, or financial status. Fortunately, once detected, it is an addiction that can be successfully treated.

The warning signs:

  • Sacrificing time from work or family in order to gamble
  • Repeated inability to stop or control betting
  • Borrowing money to gamble or to pay off previous bets
  • Use of gambling as an emotional escape
  • Self-neglect or neglect of family due to gambling
  • Lying about time or money lost to betting
  • Gambling more in order to recoup previous losses (“chasing”)
  • Obtaining money for gambling by selling/pawning personal property
  • Feelings of hopelessness, depression or suicide

The Council of Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey:

The Council of Compulsive Gambling has been helping those affected by obsessive gambling since 1983. They are committed to providing professional and compassionate service to a wide range of audiences. The Council offers prevention, education, and referral services to all interested parties.

Help is just a phone call away:

If you or someone you know is experiencing the addiction of compulsive gambling, it’s important to remember that intervention and treatment are readily available.

The Problem Gambler’s Hotline is a confidential service open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is staffed by trained professionals who understand the nature of the disease and are committed to helping those in need.

Just pick up the phone and dial 1-800-GAMBLER or, log on to

Too much of anything can be bad for you, so we encourage all of our players to know their limits as we know ours. Review the rest of this information to find out more about how we’re creating a fair and Responsible Gaming environment for everyone to enjoy.

Basic Principles

My Sports Pick aims to provide a safe and innovative gaming platform. With our fair and responsible product line-up, every user can play within their financial means and receive the best service possible.  We are committed to integrity, fairness and reliability and we always do our best to prevent gaming-related problems.

We have developed measures that ensure a responsible, safe and reliable place for online gaming.

Protection of minors

My Sports Pick excludes minors (persons under the age of 21) from gaming picks.  We take our responsibility for preventing minors from playing with us seriously, we require the shared responsibility of parents.

If you know someone under the age of 21 who is registered with us, please contact us immediately.

Patron Protection

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call 1-800-GAMBLER.

Terms of Service

You can view the current version of our General Terms of Service, to which you have agreed here.

Player Protection and Self-Help

Most people play for the entertainment, which means gaming to a responsible extent and within their financial means. But, for a small percentage, games of chance are not a form of entertainment – they area problem which must be taken seriously.

What is pathological gambling?

Pathological gambling has been listed as a recognized psychological disorder in the international classification systems DSM-IV and ICD-10 since 1980. It is defined as persistent, recurring and often increasing gambling despite negative personal and social consequences such as debt, breakdown of social relations and impairment of professional development.

When should behavior be considered problematic?

We would like to stress that diagnoses relating to clinical disorders can only be made by trained specialists. This page offers information which will allow you to quickly assess and consider your own behavior. If you can identify with four or more of the following characteristics, we recommend that you speak to a professional:

  • Are you highly involved in gaming?
  • Do your thoughts constantly turn to gaming?
  • Are you are constantly increasing your stakes?
  • Even beyond your financial means?
  • Have you unsuccessfully attempted to quit or cut down your gaming?
  • Do you become irritated and frustrated after attempting to reduce the extent of your gaming?
  • Does gaming serve as a means of getting away from problems or unpleasant feelings?
  • Have you ever tried to win back losses by taking risks you usually would not take?
  • Have ever you lied about the extent or success of your gaming?
  • Has your gaming ever led to a negative impact on your relationships or your job?
  • Have you ever been forced to rely on others to finance your gaming?


By observing the following rules, you will be able to enjoy your gaming without misgivings:

  • Gaming is just for fun, not a way of earning money.
  • Only play when you are relaxed and concentrated.
  • Take regular breaks.
  • Keep track of your gambling. Consult the overview of your gaming transactions in your account.
  • Decide your monthly gaming stake in advance. Only gamble what you can afford to lose.
  • Independently of our standard deposit limits, you may set a lower amount as your own personal limit.
  • Do not increase the maximum limit which you have decided for yourself later.
  • Before you start playing, decide the winning amount at which you will end the game.
  • Decide beforehand how high your losses can be.
  • Never play under the influence of alcohol or medication.
  • Never play if you are feeling depressed.

The following are myths associated with gambling you should understand.

  • If I play multiple games at a time, I’ll increase my chances of winning.
  • My luck will change if I keep gambling and I’m sure I’ll win my money back.
  • I have a special strategy that helps me win.
  • I am due for a win.
  • I have a gut feeling that today is my lucky day.


There are a number of institutions that offer professional assistance:

Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey


National Council on Problem Gambling


Please contact us directly if you have any questions.